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  • 365 Project 2014

    365 2014 Day 32 The Thaw

    The thaw is never clean and tidy. In fact, it is muddy and messy. The smooth uniform color of the ice gives way to a myriad of textures and colors that are often undesirable.…

    February 2, 2014
  • Musings

    Change and Surrender

    When Annie brought them home last week, along with an exquisite handwritten note, they were in full bloom. These crimson tulips tumbled together in a vase that matched their cheerful faces. Their song was…

    February 28, 2012
  • 365 Project 2011

    365 Project Day 330: Surrender

    Canon 5D Mark ll, 50 1.2L, 2.0 aperture, 1/160 shutter, 1000 ISO “Why do we raise our hands in worship? Because it is the universal sign of surrender.” ~ Carl Lentz, pastor of Hillsong Church…

    November 29, 2011
  • 365 Project 2011

    Project 365 Day 171: Responding

    Canon 5D Mark ll, 100 2.8 macro, 2.8 aperture, 1/250 shutter, 125 ISO Heart heavy, I walk at magic hour through my pasture. The warm glow from the setting sun is magnified in the…

    June 21, 2011
  • 365 Project 2011

    Project 365 Day 53: Surrender

    Canon 5D Mark ll, 100mm 2.8 macro, 2.8 aperture, 1/50 shutter, 100 ISO This half crumpled Daisy is so lovely in her delicate state. Her softness is irresistible, her face still shining. “It’s okay to…

    February 23, 2011
  • 365 Project 2011

    365 Project Day 49: Holy

    Canon 5D Mark ll, 50 1.2L, 1.4 aperture, 1/250 shutter, 800 ISO When you go to seek God, may you find that He is so much bigger, so much more powerful than you could…

    February 19, 2011