
Christmas Pony

December 7, 2010

Since I was a  little girl I have wanted this. A pony in a barn of my own.

I snapped of few images of my old man, Sam, this morning before putting my ponies, (okay horses), into the pasture this morning. Sam would probably be indignant about being called a pony. He is, in fact, more like a train engine, large enough to ride double bareback comfortably, and reliable as the sun rising. Still, he is my pony. A gift to my little girl’s heart, along with my other horses, Jackie and Gunsmoke. They didn’t make the photos this morning as Sam was  the only one standing in the perfect light.

Cowboy did make a cameo appearance in the background here.

I loved the imagery I saw as I walked in the barn this morning, and fortunately I was prepared with my camera in hand. Sam’s hot breath in the frigid morning air and sunlight made my heart swell with joy. I love this.

We put them up last night with the  windchill temperatures dropping into the teens. They are so funny. How they love to come into the barn. They are like children scurrying into cozy sleeping bags at a sleepover. When it is that cold, they know I will put them up and stand waiting at the gate.

When I came to put them outside this morning, they were all covered in pine shavings, revealing that they had all slept or rolled on the stall floors. I knew they had enjoyed their night in the Barn Hotel.

I love my ponies. I am indeed a blessed woman, and little girl.

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1 Comment

  • Reply Rhonda Storer December 7, 2010 at 10:44 am

    yes you are a lucky young girl…you are living my unfulfilled dream. I understand all of it!!

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