365 project 2016

Day 11 Pigpen

January 12, 2016
Hay Day

Hay Day

I love this series of photos of Gunsmoke with his new hay roll. He is so happy when hay day comes around. I found him like this in the pasture. He was literally lying down while eating his hay. Silly horse.

When I was a little girl my mom called me Pigpen. It was not a criticism but a term of endearment. It was after the Peanuts character Pigpen who always had a cloud of dust around him. She said she would clean me up and send me outside to place and moments later I would come in covered in dirt. I was the child who sat in mud puddles and brought home every animal I could find. “Pigpen” became my very orderly mother’s affectionate name for me. She loved who I was.

Unfortunately I am not so kind to myself. I often criticize myself for how unorganized I am. My dresser always looks like a tornado hit my room. Chris will often hear me mumbling under my breath to myself about my messy ways and correct me. He does not like it when I am hard on myself. It hurts us both. I am working on these things.

When I saw Gunsmoke in the pasture like this I had to laugh. Is this how God sees me? No thought to order or cleanliness- just all in. Muddy feet, hay in my hair, all in. I do love life that way. I want to fully enjoy all the gifts he has given me without evaluating whether I deserve them or not. It is all grace anyway.

Feeling kinder towards that messy little girl tonight.


Luke 12:24 ~”Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much morevaluable you are than birds!”

Soooo good!

Soooo good!

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What day is it?

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1 Comment

  • Reply Day 22 Barn – Mary Anne Morgan Blog January 23, 2016 at 1:49 am

    […] There is something magical about barns for me. No, I wasn’t born in a barn, but I think I could live in one sometimes. I love the smell of fresh hay and shavings in the stalls. I love the sound of the chickens sweetly cooing to one another at the end of the hall, and the dirt floor that makes me feel connected to how God made me. Remember, I am pigpen? […]

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