365 Project 2011

365 Project Day 154: Summer Joy

June 4, 2011

Summer's Center

Canon 5D Mark ll, 50 1.2L, 2.5 aperture, 1/80 shutter, 100 ISO

One of my favorite sights of summer is the fountain at the mall, especially at magic hour. If I am feeling down, all I have to do is sit out there and watch the children delight themselves endlessly in the streaming water. They never seem to tire of it. Some sit on the sidelines eating cones of ice cream, as the sweet milky mixture spills down heated pink cheeks. Sometimes it makes my heart ache to have those years back again. Sometimes it is enough to just watch and take it all in. I see other stray parents linger as well, even though their kids are not in the fountain. We all just have to watch the joy. The sweet summer exuberance.

Tonight I was so glad to see a family I knew there. Our friends Charlie and Stephanie Wetzel were sitting on  the bench opposite us watching one of their daughters, Abby, who was playing in the fountain. I asked them if I could photograph her. Thankfully they agreed. According to Stephanie, Abby had been waiting to come and do this “her whole life”. I could tell she was quoting Abby. It sounded like something an eight year old girl would say. I smiled and turned toward Abby who was dancing in and out of the streams with abandon. It did look like she had waited all of her eight long years to get here. I laughed and tried to capture the blur that is Abby. A blur of little girl glee and excitement. So much fun. If not for the expensive gear over my shoulder, I would have joined in her contagious choreography. So glad I got to see her today, and share her joy with you as well.

p.s. Stephanie writes a wonderful blog. You can find it by clicking here.

Summer is finally here. Enjoy.~

Psalm 16:11 ~ “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

Joyful Dance

Finally Here

Blur of Color and Joy

Freeze this Moment

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